Do you want to:
learn how to cope with stress and see the problems of life in a new light?
discover your strengths and how you can use them to increase your well-being?
use your strengths to help you practice mindfulness?
get to know yourself and the people around you in a new way?
If so, this course is for you!
The course is founded by Dr. Ryan Niemiec at the VIA Institute on Character (http://www.viacharacter.org). All the latest in the field of strengths and mindfulness is combined into a practical course that helps people flourish by getting to know their inner strengths and developing them further with the help of mindfulness.
This 8-week Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) course is based on science and is a combination of education, experiential exercises, mindfulness meditations and group discussions. Participants receive a workbook and electronic access to mindfulness meditations.
Included in the course is an optional participation in a half-day retreat, where participants are given the opportunity to deepen their training, refresh themselves and perhaps discover something new and interesting. In addition, participants are offered one hour of individual counselling free of charge.
Be sure to check with your union or employer for educational grants.
All further information is provided by Rakel Magnúsdóttir, consultant and mindfulness teacher at Reisla ráðgjöf - rakel@reisla.is
Rakel Magnúsdóttir
Mindfulness Teacher
Registered Nurse
MA Diploma in Positive Psychology